Tickets Here!
Silent, But Deadly
a murder mystery comedy
by Don Zolidis
directed by Paige "Perk" Perkinson
Rehearsals begin on
the first day of school!
Newton Public Schools
has not purchased
any lighting instruments for the
NSHS Auditorium since 1997!
You can make a difference for our South Stage family by helping purchase new lights for the stage.
South Stage Supporters has been the sole provider of lighting upgrades for the past 25 years.
The stage was expanded in 2004, but no additional lights were installed for the new downstage area. This created steeply angled beams and dark areas.
South Stage Supporters are raising funds to add 10 additional LED lights that would cover all downstage areas.
Let’s shine a light on all our talented kids!
Donate via PayPal below,
We want a "Standing O"
on our shows!
In order to get a Gender Parity "Standing O" designation, a production must meet three of five criteria:
For Silent, But Deadly:
YES! Have a woman director
NO Have a woman playwright
YES! Employ at least a 50 percent woman cast
YES! Employ at least 50 percent woman design team.
Sort of! (Ensemble) Tell a woman-centered story.
​Read more about the Boston Stage Source "Standing O" designation here.
South Stage is fortunate to have a full-time Tech Director and part-time Costumer, so many opportunities exist for newbies to learn and grow while making connections.
​Students interested in tech, stage crew, and costumes are welcome to drop in to the​ Lab Theatre Rm. 9135 during Lion Block or after school.